Our services.

Please call us for reservation

01619051657 // 07779842216

Deep Tissue Massage

An intense massage therapy that focuses on the inner layers of muscles and tissues as it releases tension in the deeper layers of your body. Leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Sport Therapy Massage

A firm-handed, deep tissue massage that helps the majority of minor and moderate musculoskeletal problems, ideal before or after exercise.

Traditional Thai Massage

Combines thai traditional massage techniques with oil to relax the body. The pressure can be tailored to your level of comfort, releasing muscle tension, improving flexibility and stimulating circulation.

Aromatherapy Massage (Choice of 3 organic oils)

It uses an ancient therapeutic method of pressure point massage utilising essential oils from organic sources that are applied to the body. The treatment is found to stimulate blood flow and lymph fluid.

Relaxing Massage

The therapist will use a mixture of gentle massage techniques which will help to improve circulation, reduce muscle tension and bring the body back to a relaxed state. Our relaxing massage is the perfect remedy to release tension and stress and will leave you feeling recharged.

Couple /friends Massage

A couple or friend massage is a fantastic way for couples or friends to enjoy some quality time together in a relaxing environment and leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Back Neck and Shoulder Massage

This massage technique utilises finger pressure along with the hands and elbows on tension areas of back and shoulder. A great treat after a long day of office work.

Hot Stone Massage

Reach the height of relaxation with hot stone massage, where a combination of heated volcanic stones and warm massage oils are applied to massage the whole body at the deep muscle level. It helps to release tension, promote circulation, combat nervous fatigue and create a positive energy flow in the body.

Spa Treatment Package (massage with facials)

To pamper in a revitalising experience with our Facial and Body Massage service. Our Facial Massage is a luxurious treatment to restore your skin's natural radiance. Using a combination of gentle techniques, it will help improve blood circulation, promote lymphatic drainage.

Combines the art of massage with targeted techniques to leave you feeling relaxed, refreshed and improves your skin.

Herbal Heat Massage

This traditional healing remedy delivers the sensual harmony of ancient Thai herbs, including fresh lemongrass, turmeric and plai, in a heated compress to help relieve aches and pains combined with a traditional Thai massage, the treatment will leave you relaxed and restored. 


Face Gym Massage or Hot Stone Facials

Experience the best of both worlds with our Face Gym Massage and Hot Stone Facials. Our Face Gym Massage sculpts and tones your facial muscles for a youthful glow, while Hot Stone Facials provide blissful relaxation, easing tension and enhancing skincare benefits.

Hopi Ear Candle with Head Massage

A natural and relaxing therapy used traditionally by Hopi Indians. This treatment is completely painless and helps to re-balance the ear by drawing out impurities. It’s a relaxing, soothing and natural alternative to syringing.

Please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your treatment so that you can get changed peacefully. Kindly note if you are late we may not be able to extend your treatment time.